James McGann acaba de publicar su investigación que revela cuales son los 228 "think tanks" más influyentes del mundo.
Según el, un "think tank" es:
Think tanks are public policy research, analysis and engagement institutions that generate policy-oriented research, analysis and advice on domestic and international issues that enables policymakers and the public to make informed decisions about public policy issues. Think tanks may be affiliated or independent institutions and are structured as permanent bodies, not ad hoc commissions. These institutions often act as a bridge between the academic and policymaking communities, serving in the public interest as an independent voice that translates applied and basic research into a language and form that is understandable, reliable, and accessible for policymakers and the public.
Resulta que hay al menos 5080 "think tanks" a nivel mundial y se distribuyen de la siguiente manera:
· América del Norte 1924 (37.87%)
· Europa Occidental 1198 (23.58%)
· Asia 601 (11.83%)
· Europa del Este 483 (9.51%)
· América Latina 408 (8.03%)
· Africa 274 (5.39%)
· Medio Oriente 192 (3.78%)
Washington es, no sorprendentemente, la capital mundial de los "think tanks" con 350.
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